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Relationships, romance, and break-ups!

In Plain Sight

| Romantic | September 13, 2011

(This is the second date with a guy I’d met online. The first date was okay…the guy was a little strange in an undefinable way, but seemed harmless. So, I’ve agreed to see him again. Note that I recently started wearing contact lenses. One is bugging me, so I rub my eye.)

Guy: “Is there something wrong with my eye?”

Me: “No, my contact was just itchy.”

Guy: “It’s because I’ve got a fake eye, isn’t it? Are they looking in the same direction?”

Me: *thinking he’s joking* “Yeah, you look fine!”

Guy: “I can take it out if you want. Wanna see?”

Me: *realizing he’s serious* “No!”

Guy: “Here we go!”

(He proceeds to take his eyeball out at the dive bar and show it to me. I cringe and try not to look at what I assume is now a gaping hole in his face. He puts it back in.)

Guy: “Is it looking the right way again?”

When Mothers In Laws Are Brothers In Arms

| Romantic | September 12, 2011

(I am shopping with my husband at a well-known lingerie store. We overhear another couple talking about a bra.)

Wife: “You know, it just doesn’t look like they have this bra in my size.”

Husband: “What size again?”

Wife: “38C, honey.”

(The husband pulls out the 38D drawer.)

Husband: “But they have it in a 38D, beautiful.”

Wife: “Bras aren’t like a pair of pants! You can’t just use a belt to make them tighter. It doesn’t work that way!”

Husband: “Oh…uh, wishful thinking?”

Wife: “Well, I never!

(The wife storms out of store with her husband trailing behind.)

Me, to my husband: “Note to you: never say that to me.”

My husband: “I would never dream of it. You’d kill me, and then my mom would bring me back and kill me again!”

Vocabulary, Meet Veracity

| Romantic | September 9, 2011

(I work at a daycare center and am teaching a room full of two year-old children to memorize their parents’ or guardians’ names and home phone numbers.)

Me: “So, what’s your daddy’s name?”

Little girl: “Robert!”

Me: “And what’s your mommy’s name?”

Little girl: “Dammitjulia!”

(Needless to say, “Robert” had a little talking-to when he came to pick up his daughter.)

Also seen on: Not Always Right

Sweethearts Sans Sweets

| Romantic | September 9, 2011

(This happens just after Father’s Day, as my siblings and I always get our father a special “Dad’s Bag” from a well-known Australian retailer. It includes an assortment of candies and chocolates.)

Mum: “You going to share your chocolate with me?”

Dad: “Sure…”

(My dad starts sorting through the chocolate, while mum waits expectantly.)

Dad: “Hmm, not this one. I love these ones…”

(My dad keeps sorting, while mum continues to wait patiently.)

Dad: “Not this one either…”

(Finally, my dad reaches deep in bag, and looks back at my mum.)

Dad: “Oh, here you go! I’ll share this with you!”

Mum: *excitedly* “Oooh, what is it?

Dad: “The card!”

Mum: *not so excited*

This story is part of our Father’s Day roundup.

Click here to read the next story!

Click here to go to the Father’s Day roundup!

I’m Not Gay, But My Boyfriends Are

| Romantic | September 8, 2011

(Two college-aged guys of similar age to myself come up to the register with a box of condoms. Note: I’m male myself.)

Customer 1: “We’re not gay, you know.”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer #1: “Well, we’re not.”

Me: “Okay, I know.”

(I finish the transaction, and they’re about to leave.)

Me: “Have a nice evening.”

Customer #2: “So…uh…are you doing anything when you get off? We’d like to hang out.” *winks at me*