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The customer is NOT always right!

You Wouldn’t Beliebe It

| Right | March 24, 2014

(We have pre-teen Justin Bieber cut outs in our store, along with party accessories.)

Customer: “I was wondering if you have any ‘Justine Bieber’ stuff.”

Me: *thinking nothing of how she said the name* “Right this way! We have the pre-teen Bieber, if that’s what you’re looking for.”

Customer: “No, I was wanting the cut out stand. You know, the cardboard ones you can buy.”

Me: “OH! Yes, I don’t think we have any set up in the store, but we have some in the back. They’re $34.97 for one.”

Customer: “That’s really high!”

Me: “I agree. It’s a bit much for some cardboard, but girls seem to love owning them.”

Customer: “That’s true. My granddaughter keeps asking for one.”

Me: “Well, let me just look in the back to see if we have one.” *goes to back and brings out a still-packaged cut out*

Customer: “Oh, this one is pre-teen, too.”

Me: “Yes. I’m afraid we don’t have any new Bieber items.”

Customer: *frowning at the cut out* “Just as well. I don’t really like my granddaughter having this Bieber stuff. Have you see how she looks?”

Me: “Sorry? Your granddaughter?”

Customer: “No, ‘Justine Bieber.’ She’d be so much prettier if she’d grow her hair out, is what I mean. With her hair all spiked up how it is, she looks like a lesbian!”

5 Stories Of Spring Break!

| Right | March 23, 2014

Weekly Roundup: 5 Stories Of Spring Break! It’s spring break, where more idiots than you’d think descend upon coastal towns to cause mayhem and wreak havoc, as you can see in these stories below:

  1. Put Them In The Hot Seat (1,806 thumbs up)
  2. Jellyfishing For Giggles (2,056 thumbs up)
  3. TMI (Too Much Information) (2,366 thumbs up)
  4. Stuck In The Wake Of Spring Break (1,501 thumbs up)
  5. Getting Chesty About The Law (2,247 thumbs up)

PS #1: check out our Extras section, with pictures, videos, and news!

PS #2: Read more roundups here!

Smile, And The World Scowls With You

| Right | March 23, 2014

Me: *sick and feeling nauseated* “Hi. Did you find everything okay, ma’am?” *starts to scan her items*

Customer: “I found everything.” *scowls at me* “You should smile more when you’re greeting people.”

Me: “I usually do. I’m not feeling well today, but I couldn’t call in. It’s a Saturday, which means we have a lot of balloon orders—”

Customer: “Whatever. We don’t care if you feel like dog s***. The customer is always right, and if I say I want a smile, I expect a d*** smile.”

Me: “Um, sorry, ma’am.” *tries a smile* “Your total is [total].”

Customer: *rolls her eyes and throws money at me* “It’s a wonder you have a job at all with that kind of attitude.” *storms out*

This story is part of our They Said The Thing roundup!

Read the next They Said The Thing roundup story!

Read the They Said The Thing roundup!

Failed The Geek Test

| Right | March 23, 2014

Customer: “Do you have The Hobbit?”

Me: “Yeah, it’s back in SciFi/Fantasy. Alphabetical by author’s last name. Tolkien.”

Customer: “Why is The Hobbit in SciFi/Fantasy?”

Me: “Uhh…”

Customer: “It’s a test.”

Me: “I’m sorry?”

Customer: *visibly annoyed* “Health Occupational Basics Entrance Test. Why is it in SciFi? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Me: “Oh! Hold on.” *looks it up on the computer* “Yeah, we don’t have anything like that in the store. I can order something if you want.”

Customer: “What?! I called earlier and the woman I talked to said you had it in the store.”

Me: “Yeah… she probably thought you were talking about The Hobbit. Do you want me to order a title for you?”

Customer: “NO!” *walks out with a huff*

This story is part of the Tolkien-themed roundup!

Read the next Tolkien-themed roundup story!

Read the Tolkien-themed roundup!

5 Stories Of Spring Break!

Right | March 23, 2014

Weekly Roundup: 5 Stories Of Spring Break! It’s spring break, where more idiots than you’d think descend upon coastal towns to cause mayhem and wreak havoc, as you can see in these stories below:

  1. Put Them In The Hot Seat (1,806 thumbs up)
  2. Jellyfishing For Giggles (2,056 thumbs up)
  3. TMI (Too Much Information) (2,366 thumbs up)
  4. Stuck In The Wake Of Spring Break (1,501 thumbs up)
  5. Getting Chesty About The Law (2,247 thumbs up)

PS #1: check out our Extras section, with pictures, videos, and news!

PS #2: Read more roundups here!