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The customer is NOT always right!

Coming Down Hard On The Software

Right | May 23, 2016

Customer: “I have a return.”

Me: “Okay!”

Customer: *slaps down box with “[Tax Software] FOR WINDOWS” on front*

Me: “It’s been opened…”

Customer: “I put it in my computer and it didn’t work.”

Me: “Was there something wrong with the disc?”

Customer: *becoming irate* “No! I can’t use it in my computer!”

Me: “Why can’t—”

Customer: “I have a Mac!”

(When we explain we can’t return open software unless it is defective, he becomes angry, declares we have lost his business, and storms out.)

Me: *to manager* “He says he’s never shopping here again.”

Manager: *in a sad, dead voice* “He’ll be back next tax season. They always come back.”


| Right | May 23, 2016

Me: “Hi, how can I help you?”

Customer: “Potatoes, please.”

Me: “What kind?”

Customer: “I want potatoes.”

Me: “We have French and curly fries, hash browns, and wedges. Which would you like?”

Customer: “Poh-tate-ooohhhs.”

(I scoop up some French fries and show it to the customer.)

Me: “These?”

Customer: “Yes! Potatoes!”

Pooling All Their Resources

| Right | May 22, 2016

Customer: *looking through the doors at the pool* “Is that your pool?”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer: “Do you have another one?”

Me: “No.”

Sale Fail

| Right | May 22, 2016

(I work on the customer service desk of a large retail store and we are getting ready for a sale.)

Customer: “Can you price check this for me?”

Me: “It’s £3, as it says on the label.”

Customer: “But there’s a mark on the back. That means it’s in the sale.”

Me: “It has been marked to identify it as sale, which starts tomorrow.”

Customer: “But it’s over there, on that rail with other items. That means it’s on sale.”

Me: “We have to start rearranging the store two days before the sale starts as we have a lot of stock and it can’t be done in one day.”

Customer: “But if it’s there then I should be able to buy it now at sale price.”

Me: “No. Nothing is marked up at sale price and there are no signs stating it is sale.”

Customer: “So I can’t buy it now? But if I came back at eight pm could I buy it then?”

Me: “No. We would be shutting, and as I have explained the sale starts tomorrow.”

Customer: “But I don’t know what I am doing tomorrow.”

Me: “We open at six am if that’s any help!”

Customer: “Well, I might be back.”

(She then walked off. I love how some customers think they can change the rules to suit themselves.)

Roundup: The Most Popular Stories Of The Week

Right | May 22, 2016

Shake off the week of bad customers… with even more bad customers! Find for your reading pleasure below, a roundup of the most popular stories of the last week (May 16th – May 22nd 2016)!

See more roundups here! Don’t forget to check out this week’s comic!