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Owned By The Owner: Boss Baby Edition

, , , , , | Right | December 14, 2023

I work in a bookshop. My boss, the owner, was on maternity leave, and on this slow day, I was working with a student, who had been there for longer than me. We were making small talk when an old lady came in.

Coworker: “Hello, madam. How may I—”

Customer: *Speaking over my coworker* “I have a ton of stuff to buy!”

I took over the register while my coworker helped the lady. She had a lot of things to buy indeed, had a bunch of coupons, and regularly interrupted [Coworker] to say gratuitously:

Customer: “I know I am annoying, but I am spending a lot of money here!”

In total, my coworker spent more than half an hour helping the lady, plus some time checking her out.

The next day, I had the afternoon shift. When I arrived, [Coworker] was visibly distraught.

Coworker: “Hey, [My Name]! Do you know who was here this morning?”

Guess who came back? The old lady! And she was furious. She was yelling at my coworker, accusing her of not scanning a coupon for a dictionary. My coworker said that yes, she had scanned it; she even printed the ticket from that day to show it to the lady, who was having none of it.

Customer: “You ripped me off, you b****! I know you did! I know the owner’s daughter, and I’ll have you fired, you incompetent c***!”

Coworker: “Madam, I don’t know what to tell you. The coupon was scanned; the ticket shows it. You see here? The dict—”

The lady cut her off to yell some more. This went back and forth before the old lady left.

Sometime in the afternoon, the phone rang and I picked up. Any guess as to who it was?

Customer: “The cashier ripped me off yesterday! I had a coupon, and she didn’t scan it!”

Me: “Ma’am, I was there yesterday. I saw her scan the coupon. She even showed me how to do it.”

Customer: “Don’t lie to me, you b****! I know the owner’s daughter; I can have you fired in a minute!”

Me: *Fed up with the yelling* “Which daughter, ma’am? The three-year-old or the one who was born last week?”

Customer: “…Don’t act like you’re smart! I want to talk to [Owner]!” 

My boss did call her back. She told her to get lost and to stop harassing staff.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!