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Car Wrecking The Relationship

| Romantic | January 13, 2014

(My boyfriend is a big motor head. I, however, do not get the obsession. We are watching a car show at my parents’ house, who we are staying with over the holidays. Some expensive ‘supercar’ has just come on screen.)

Boyfriend: “That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

Me: “Um… Excuse me? Want to rethink that one?”

(My boyfriend gets very quiet and contemplative before finally responding.)

Boyfriend: “Nope. I’m not getting any tonight anyway. I stand by my statement.”

Airing Dirty Laundry In Public

| Related | January 13, 2014

(I am attending my freshman year of college. On my first break, I’m getting ready to come home and am on the phone with my mother.)

Mom: “Oh, it’ll be so good to have you home! I’ve missed you!”

Me: “Yeah! I’ve missed you, too. Time to pack, I guess.”

Mom: “Oh, do you have any laundry? Bring your laundry home! I want to do something nice for you! Save you some quarters!”

Me: “Wow, really? Thanks! That would be awesome!”

(I take a hamper home with me. My mom does my laundry for old times’ sake. The next day at church, however, I overhear her conversation with the church ladies.)

Mom: “…and you know college students: here she comes, SWANNING in with a bag full of laundry! So typical!”

(All the church ladies sigh and chuckle. Needless to say, I called her out on that one!)

What A Pile Of Crock

| Related | January 13, 2014

(My wife’s 80-year-old mother lives with us. She is going to visit other relatives for the holidays so we decide to open gifts early. The gift I receive is a new Crock Pot.)

Mom: *craning her neck to try to see the box* “What brand is the Crock Pot?”

Me: “Crock Pot.”

Mom: “I know it’s a Crock Pot, but what brand is it?”

Me: “Crooock, Poooootttt.”

Mom: *looks confused*

Me: “The brand name is Crock Pot. It’s the original makers of slow cookers.”

Mom: *still looks confused*

Me: “It’s like Kleenex. There are many brands of tissue but a lot of times people just call any of them Kleenex. While a lot of people call slow cookers Crock Pots, technically it’s only a Crock Pot if it’s made by Crock Pot. Hamilton Beach makes slow cookers, but they aren’t Crock Pots.”

Mom: *still looks confused*


(My wife then tries to explain other words that are used generically, like Xerox, and Band-Aid.)

Me: “Crock Pot is the brand of the original maker of slow cookers. Other brands usually will just say ‘slow cooker’ on them because Crock Pot is a brand.”

Mom: “Well, a lot of recipes say Crock Pot, not slow cooker.”

(At this point I decide not to continue the conversation, although inside my head I’m screaming. Later on I see her again looking at the box to figure out what brand it is.)

A Party Pooper

| Related | January 13, 2014

(I am using the bathroom and hear my six-year-old son in the other bathroom on the other side of the wall.)


Me: *yelling loudly so he can hear me through the wall* “GOING POTTY USUALLY ISN’T A REASON TO CELEBRATE LIKE THAT, BUDDY!”

No Vocation For Location, Part 12

| Related | January 13, 2014

(I am reading an email from my mother aloud, after sending her a message that I was staying at a luxurious hotel.)

Me: “What’s Luxor like? Will you be looking round the ruins and looking at the ‘hydrogriphics?'”

Friend: *reading over my shoulder* “She does know you’re in Mauritius, right?”

Me: “I’m not so sure…”