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The Art Of Conversing Without Conversing

| Related | February 9, 2016

(My father sends me a text message with a question. The following is the rest of the conversation:)

Me: “Yes.”

Dad: “Your mother would like me to thank you for your verbose reply.”

Me: “K.”

Oh, The Inhumanity

| Related | February 9, 2016

(This conversation happens after Donald Trump has, once again, made headlines after saying something dumb.)

Me: “Honestly, I’m starting to lose faith in humanity.”

Little Sister: *completely earnestly* “Why? He’s not human.”

Me: “…Good point.”

Flights Of Fancy

| Related | February 9, 2016

(My grandma recently retired. She has a lot of travel rewards to claim and decides to take my family to Hawaii. As we are getting off the first of our three planes, we meet a couple also going to Hawaii on our same flights for their honeymoon. We’re on the third plane and most of our seats are separated due to last-minute seating changes, resulting in the awkward one seat in a three person row. Luckily, the other two seats in the row are occupied by our new couple friends. My nine-year-old sister is sitting next to them and is extremely tired after twelve hours of traveling, and ends up falling asleep on the wife’s shoulder. My mom sees this.)

Mom: “I’m so sorry about her.”

Newlywed Wife: “It’s fine! We want one just like her someday!”

Grandma: *laughs* “No, you don’t.”

Context Reflex

| Related | February 9, 2016

(My brother and I are almost always on the same wavelength and can pick up what the other is trying to reference with relative ease.)

Me: “Hey, remember the guy in that game who had the big round thing? Ugh, you know what I mean, right?”

Brother: “I do… but there’s no reason I should, given the context.”

(For context, I was trying to ask him, “You remember the gnome character in the computer game King’s Quest V, who you give the spinning wheel to?”)

The Cinema Just Got X-Rated

| Working | February 9, 2016

(We have just had a meeting where our general manager has announced she is leaving to work at another cinema, which was unexpected news. Almost everyone has left and I am chatting with some of my coworkers who I am close friends with. I should also point out that Coworker #1 is openly gay.)

Me: “I wonder who our new GM will be. Do you think it will be someone new from another site? Wait, do you think [Manager] will go for it? It would be good.”

Coworker #1: “I think Dee—” *another manager* “—should get it.”

Me: “She’d get it if she wanted it, but I don’t think she does… so that’s why I said [Manager].”

Coworker #1: “Well, I’m just going to be her cheerleader, anyway. I’ll just be like, ‘Dee! Dee! Dee!'”

(Coworker #1 and Coworker #2 start chanting ‘Dee’ together.)

Me: *to Coworker #3* “I don’t think they realise what they sound like, chanting Dee like that.”

(Coworker #3 bursts out laughing and tells Coworker #1 and Coworker #2 who stop chanting.)

Coworker #3: “What do we want? D!”

Coworker #1: “When do we want it? Now!”