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All of our stories, starting with the newest!

This Decision Deserves A Hearing

| Romantic | March 8, 2016

(I am a physiotherapist, working with a patient in his home. He is a wealthy older man, and is pointing to some new hearing aids he has purchased.)

Patient: “Guess how much money I put on those suckers?”

Me: “$4000?”

Patient: “$9000!”

Me: “Great! Put them on and let’s test them out!”

Patient: “H***, no! Then I’ll be able to hear my wife!”

Happiness Is All In The Wrist

| Romantic | March 8, 2016

(The customers have just asked me to write on a cake. They are a woman, Customer #1, and a man, Customer #2. After I have written on it, Customer #1 is looking at my handiwork.)

Customer #1: “Oh, wow, you have nice handwriting.”

Me: “Thank you very much.”

Customer #1: “Very steady, and good wrist work. You must make your boyfriend very happy.”

Customer #2: *obviously very shocked, he sputters and tries to say something like “you can’t say that!”*

Me: “Actually…” *holds up my left hand and points to my ring* “Wedding ring.”

Customer #1: “There, see? You made him very happy.”

When Single Becomes Double

| Romantic | March 8, 2016

(I’m working as a barista in a coffee shop. A man comes up to my counter.)

Customer: “Can I get an Americano with a single shot of espresso?”

(I send his drink into the queue and my coworker makes the drink while I continue to take orders.)

Coworker: “I got a hot Americano, single!”

Teenage Girl: *waiting for her drink* “I’ll take him!”

(The man laughed and high fived the girl before taking his coffee and leaving. My coworker and I had a good laugh about the encounter.)

Awakening To The Fact That Grandma Is Crazy

| Related | March 8, 2016

(It’s two am and like most sane people, I’m asleep. I am awoken when my phone starts ringing and fumble around in the dark to answer it.)

Me: *in a groggy tone* “Hello?”

Grandmother: *accusingly* “Why are you still awake?!”

(I still have no idea why she called me.)

Not Being Charitable With Mom

| Related | March 8, 2016

(I have just come home from being treated for cancer. The form of cancer I have is easily treatable and most likely gone by this point. Ever since I got diagnosed my mom has decided that it is my purpose in life to become an activist for cancer.)

Mom: “What are you doing tomorrow?”

Me: “I’m going to play video games with [Friend].”

Mom: “[Charity] is holding an event for cancer survivors. It sounds fun. You should go.”

Me: “No, thanks.”

(Two days later.)

Mom: “The [Cancer Charity] marathon is a few months from now. You should sign up now so you can start training.”

Me: “Mom, I hate running. I won’t do it.”

(Four days later.)

Mom: “[Friend Who Is A Teacher] said her school is looking for guest speakers for an assembly. Would you—”

Me: *interrupting* “No!”

(One day later…)

Mom: “[Children’s Cancer Charity] is hiring. Do you want to apply?”

(This is getting annoying and I come up with a plan.)

Me: “Will I get paid?”

Mom: “No, but think of all the people you can help.”


(She never brought the topic up again.)