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It’s Not Creepy To Find THAT In The Woods At All…

, , , | Related | March 22, 2024

Shortly after my mum and dad got married, my dad decided they should go camping, since my mum had never been. They went with my dad’s friend and his friend’s wife. After they set up camp and had a fire going, it became dark. My mum leaned over to my dad.

Mum: “Um… I have to go to the bathroom.”

Dad: *Hands her a flashlight and some toilet paper.* “Alright, here you go.”

My mum stared at my dad like he was insane. She was a city girl and so had never not used a toilet before. The friend’s wife took my mum into the woods to do her business.

Shortly after they returned, my dad announced that he now had to pee. My mum tried to hand him the flashlight, but my dad waved it off, boldly stating that he didn’t need it. He walked off into the darkness… a few moments later he comes running back, yanking his pants into place and screaming:


Mum and the friend’s wife got in the truck and locked the doors, while my dad and his friend grabbed flashlights, a shovel and a stick and went back to where my dad had been. They found the spot.

While my dad had been relieving himself, he had put one hand on a tree branch to steady himself. Right where he had put his hand… was a shaved baby doll’s head. And my dad, being my dad, took the head with him.

For years he would take it camping and hunting with him.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!