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It’s A Tire-ing Process

, , , , , | Romantic | April 10, 2023

My husband and his siblings are a bit impressionable and weren’t taught to have opinions of their own growing up. Fortunately, [Husband] manages to go to college and shake off a lot of the toxic masculinity he grew up with. Nevertheless, sometimes it shows in the way he handles situations.

Due to the construction of a new residential development, [Husband] gets a flat tire. He tells me he’s going to the tire shop.

Me: “I think you should take the tire off and use the spare to get there.”

Husband: “It is fine to drive.”

We go to examine it and it is flat.

Me: “I think you should just take the tire off and use the spare.”

Husband: “Nah. I will just pump it up. I have changed a tire, and it is a lot of work.”

The rim is literally touching the ground. I give him about fifteen minutes before I check in on him.

Husband: “Does this look any better?”

Me: “Not at all. But to confirm, let’s look at the picture I took.”

Husband: “…”

Me: “Why don’t you just take the tire off, put it in my car, and take it to the shop?”

Husband: “I am going to use your car to go get an electric pump.”

Me: *Rolling my eyes* “Okay… Go for it.”

I let him go to the store and do what he wants to do. Luckily, he lets me follow him to the tire shop about two miles away after he pumps up the tire. He gets all of a quarter mile before he puts his hazards on and pulls over.

Me: “What are you doing?”

Husband: *Sourly* “Taking the tire off and putting on the spare.”

Me: “Do you just want me to take you and your tire to the shop?”

Husband: “…”

He is learning to listen to me. It is a work in progress.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!