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In Line, Out Of Line, In Line, Way Out Of Line

, , , , , | Right | October 27, 2022

I work at an absurdly overpriced grocery store. It’s nice stuff, but you’re still paying way more than necessary for the majority of it. A woman is purchasing some items.

Customer: “I’ve forgotten one. Can I go get the other?”

Me: “Yes, but you’ll have to wait in line again.”

Customer: “That’s fine.”

She goes and gets a bottle of wine and then marches right back up to my register, passing three people.

Me: “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait for these customers.”

There’s a huge sigh as she walks back to the back of the line. When she gets back up to the register, I apologize for her wait. I ring up the wine, which is labeled on the bottle as on clearance for $9.99.

Customer: “Wait, I thought that was $4.99.”

Me: “We don’t sell wine for that price.”

I point out the huge price tag on the bottle itself, and she grumblingly agrees to pay it. Then, she immediately demands:

Customer: “Actually, I want you to refund me for the wine and my previous purchases. You have been so offensively rude to me by forcing me to line up again. You don’t deserve my business.”

I figure it’s best not to argue, so I start the refund, but the order won’t go through for some reason. I call a manager up, and he explains.

Manager: “Sorry, it is illegal to return wine in this state.”

The woman literally starts screaming.

Customer: “Are you f****** kidding me?! No! I bought it, and this girl was a b**** to me, so I don’t want it anymore. You refund it, or I’ll shut this store down!”

Manager: “Ma’am, you have to understand that the store will also be shut down if we refund the wine.”

Customer: “Well, see if I give a s***! You’d better believe this is going to be all over the whole entire Internet. This stupid f****** store will close within the f****** week!”

She stormed out with her wine.

This was my second day on the job. The manager gave me an extended lunch.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!