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I Don’t Think I’m Turning Japanese

| Related | February 6, 2015

(I am hanging out in my room, when my mother comes home.)

Mom: “So, [My Name], I just heard on the radio that there’s an anime convention in Austin.”

(This piques my interest, as I do have a liking towards anime. I watch Toonami on Saturdays, and own a couple of anime DVD and blu-rays.)

Me: “Really? Cool!”

Mom: “So, I was wondering if you wanted to go there or not. I don’t know when it is.”

(After looking up times, I tell her Saturday may be our best option on that matter. My mom has definitely HEARD of anime, but I don’t think she knows that much about it.)

Mom: “So, anime is like that Chinese sort of thing, right?”

Me: *chuckles* “Actually, Japanese, mom. They’re both in Asia, though.”

Mom: “Oh, well, you know what I mean.” *laughs*

(We end up not going, but that is fine by me. A few days later, she, my sister, and I go to a nearby flea market. I notice one of the sellers is selling an anime-esque VCD set. My instincts get the better of me, and I take a look at it.)

Seller: *to me* “I gotta say, young man, that thing has a lot of discs.”

Mom: “It has a lot of discs? Really?”

(I open it up, and sure enough, it is a lot.)

Mom: “Oh, wow. So, I guess it’s all in Japanese, right?”

(She notices none of it is in English, and is trying to be correct about it.)

Seller: “Yeah, Japanese. It’s $20.”

(I end up not buying it. A few minutes later…)

Me: “You know, mom, I know I had to correct you that anime is Japanese, not Chinese, but that time, I think it actually was Chinese…”

This story is part of our Anime roundup!

Read the next Anime roundup story!

Read the Anime roundup!

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