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Holy Haggling Hags, Batman!

, , , | Right | August 28, 2017

(I work at a well-known bookstore with a pretty good clearance section. An elderly couple comes up to my register with a bunch of clearance items, and the woman demands rather rudely to know their prices.)

Customer: “Is this purse five dollars?”

Me: *scans tag* “No, it’s $9.98.”

Customer: “Can I pay five dollars for it?”

Me: “…um, I’m sorry, but I can’t haggle.”

Customer: *completely serious*  “But I can.”

Me: “…”

(I found out, after conferring with coworkers, that they’re pretty tenacious swindlers.)

This story is part of our Hagglers roundup.

Read the next Hagglers roundup story!

Read the Hagglers roundup!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!