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Hey, I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy, But This Ain’t Your Number…

, , , , , | Friendly | October 28, 2023

Some people I know from back home have been using my phone number for various things, such as quick loan places. I change my number, cut them out of my life, and sort it out.

Or so I thought.

Immediately after getting my new number, I am still getting random calls and messages. This time, it’s for the guy who previously had that number. I’m getting crappy job offers, hook-up offers, random requests for favors, and just a whole bunch of wildly random stuff. At least once a week, I get a call.

It’s annoying, but I keep telling them they have the wrong number and explaining the situation. I figure it will peter out soon and carry on with my day.

Imagine my surprise when I suddenly get yet another phone call. This one is from a number I don’t recognize, even from the mess of wrong numbers I’ve been getting.

I answer it, and it turns out to be the guy that previously had the number.

Me: “Yeah, dude, you need to tell your friends that you changed numbers.”

Guy: “Who called? And when? What did they want?”

Me: “Call them back and find out. And while you’re at it, tell them your new number.”

Guy: “I think you need to tell me exactly who called, when, and what they wanted.”

Me: “Okay, number one, I didn’t write any of it down because none of it applied to me. Number two, I’m not your d*** secretary.”

Guy: “I’ve been applying for jobs. Some of them might be job offers! They’re important!”

Me: “Again, not to me, and you’re an idiot if you think I would somehow magically know your new number back then. Get off your lazy a** and update your contact information.”

I hung up on him. Then, I changed my number again. Wow, was it nice not answering at least one message a week. But seriously, how entitled do you have to be to think that some random person who gets your old number is obligated to play secretary?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!