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He Definitely Taught Them Something, But It Wasn’t Biology

, , , , , | Learning | January 5, 2024

My brother and I had the same biology teacher at different times. [Biology Teacher] was… a character. He was a short, balding, seventy-ish-year-old biology teacher and football coach who would only show PowerPoints (which caused me to have a seizure in class). He would play classic rock and force any students he saw or heard singing along to sing the full song in front of the class (because he refused to believe the students would know Queen or Elvis). He would scream “BOO!” every time he turned on or off the lights (which sent a few of the more traumatized kids into hysterics a few times). He would tell stories about his time “at war” (he wasn’t military), he would yell when he talked (his hearing was fine, he just liked being loud), he encouraged cheating (if you were discreet and didn’t bother others, even if he saw you, you got a good grade), hated technology (yet would only use PowerPoint, which is a bit odd), stuff like that. 

Well, my aunt is a science teacher at the same high school. My aunt, my brother, my brother’s girlfriend, and I were reminiscing about high school. [Brother’s Girlfriend] asked [Aunt] what kind of student [Brother] was. [Aunt] told her that she never had [Brother] as a student. [Brother] told them what teachers he had.

Brother: “[My Name] and I both had [Biology Teacher], though.”

[Aunt] let out a loud groan, and we all looked at her.

Aunt: *With her head down, still groaning* “We don’t talk about him.”

Brother’s Girlfriend: “Why not? Was he a bad teacher?”

[Aunt], [Brother], and I spent the next few minutes explaining what kind of person, teacher, and coach [Biology Teacher] was.

Aunt: “He is, thankfully, no longer employed there.”

Both [Brother] and I had already graduated and didn’t know this.

Me: “Quit or fired?”

Aunt: “Fired.” *Starts to rant* “You know, while cleaning out his classroom, we found graded papers, worksheets, and old homework. From the 1970s. And he really hates technology, to the point that during [global health crisis], he just passed everyone with a 95% because he didn’t feel like doing online work or inputting grades into the computer properly. He would regularly interrupt my classes with his yelling; my department was a disaster. After he left, his replacement was amazing and completely changed the dynamic of the science department. He even tried to get his job back.”

So, all in all? He was probably senile, a terrible teacher to have, and needed to have retired decades ago. Students loved him, while they had him, because his class was easy. Students hated him afterward because they learned absolutely nothing. Teachers hated him regardless because he didn’t teach worth a f*** and gave teachers a bad name.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!