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Close, And All The Cigars

, , , , , | Right | May 23, 2024

I worked at a cigar shop, and I had a guy who always showed up about ten minutes after closing time. He owned a business that closed at the same time we did, so it was simply not possible for him to make it in time.

The day after his first attempt, he called an hour before closing (from his business landline, which showed up on caller ID). He suggested a deal: I’d buy what he wanted (a single $5 cigar) before I closed out the register, and he’d give me ten bucks for it when he showed up. I accepted, and we did that three or four times a week.

Because I was the one who actually made the purchase, I was able to use my 50% employee discount.

I made out pretty well!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!