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Bright Colors Are Nature’s Way Of Telling Predators, “Stay Away”

, , , , | Right | September 24, 2023

It is Pride month, and I have saved up to have my hair colored in all the colors of the Pride flag. I am so happy with it, and because it cost quite a bit, I am wearing it loud and proud at the bookstore where I work.

Customer: “Your hair looks awful!”

Me: “Well, that’s your opinion. I personally love it.”

Customer: “It’s just not natural!”

Me: “Neither are your eyelashes.”

Customer: “That… that’s different! Mine are subtle!”

Me: “Ma’am, if you blinked too hard, you could cause a hurricane with those things.”

Customer: “You think you can talk to customers that way?”

Me: “You stopped being a customer when you called my hair awful. You were never going to make that sale.”

Customer: “Where’s the manager?! I’m going to tell him how the girl with the [gay slur] hair is talking to his customers.”

Our manager is a woman, actually, and the bookstore is small, so she has stepped over because of the raised voice of the customer.

Manager: “Before you say anything, ma’am, I have heard every word of this conversation.”

Customer: “And what are you going to do about it?”

Manager: “All I can do is ask: why are you still here?”

Retail workers! If you can work for small and independently-owned stores that don’t have a Corporate to cave into, do it!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!