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Ben’s OK, Jerry’s Gone Nuts

, , | Right | February 18, 2009

Me: “Can I help you?”

Customer: “I would like your biggest cup of pecan ice cream.”

(I serve it up and continue with the rest of the customers. About fifteen minutes later, the same guy shows up.)

Customer: “There’s something wrong with this ice cream. It’s more nuts than it is anything else!”

(I look down and see there’s only two bites of ice cream left.)

Me: “I’m sorry – I’d be happy to give you another flavor if you’d like.”

Customer: “This is ridiculous. Do you make the ice cream yourself?”

Me: “We do make it right here every day.”

Customer: “No, I mean do YOU make it?”

Me: “No, we have people in charge of making the ice cream.”

Customer: “You should really try the ice cream before you give it out to people, to warn them.”

Me: “…so what ice cream would you like instead?”

Customer: “I’ll take the peanut butter one.”

Me: “I’ve tried that one and it’s made with real peanuts. You might encounter the same problem.”

Customer: “Did I ask you for your opinion on it?”

Me: “…”

This story is part of our Ice Cream roundup!

Want to read the next story? Click here!

Want to see the roundup? Click here!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!