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Absolute Glassholes

, , , , | Right | March 1, 2023

The seafood market I work at has this case that protrudes out into the store’s main walkway to allow us to put more product in there. I guess they just don’t make that curved glass for that kind of design, so our glass ends at roughly eye level for most customers.

As a result, we get a**holes poking their d*** hands over the top of the glass to show us exactly which piece they want, coming within inches of touching the fish. The worst was when a lady had a bunch of used hand wipes balled up in her fist, and as she pointed at what piece of salmon she wanted, one fell out of her grasp and rolled down about ten pounds of salmon.

The people I just cannot understand are the ones that have to struggle to get their arms over the top. It’s like… maybe there’s a reason it’s hard to get over?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!