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A Weighty Dilemma

, , , | Right | April 2, 2024

I am an agent at check-in at an airport. An older lady showed up with a bag and a cardboard box to check. I weighed them both, and it was a total of 28 kgs (13 in the bag, 15 in the box, a total of 5 kg in excess). I asked her the security questions about what was in the box (fruit).

Me: “I can ‘forgive’ 2 kg, but you will have to pay 4€ a kg for the rest, for a total of 12€.”

Lady: “What? I’m not going to pay that!”

Me: “Then you have to remove the 3 kg from the bag,”

Lady: “No way. Do your job and check those bags, as they are free!”

Me: *Fed up* “You want me to do my job? Either remove 5 kg, pay 20€, or ship only one of the items. Choose now or step aside.”

She realized I was serious and decided to check just the bag. What did she do with the box? Don’t know, don’t care.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!