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Unfiltered Story #295472

, , , | Unfiltered | July 4, 2023

(My mom and I are at a store on Black Friday, in a line to purchase a special Xbox 360 bundle. We see two employees wheel out some carts filled with the bundles, and while they’re setting up, my mom gives me a nudge.)

Mom: Hey, go over to them and ask if you can buy a bundle.

Me: Why? We’re already in line to get one.

Mom: What if they run out before we get to the front?

Me: We’re fifth in line and it looks like they have at least ten. We’ll be fine.

Mom: Don’t you want to get out of here sooner?

Me: Again, we’re fifth. I don’t think we’ll be waiting that long.

Mom: Just go and ask them!

Me: I’m not going to cut ahead of everyone! Ask them yourself.

Mom: You need to learn to take initiative!

(My mom walks over to the employees to ask. Given that she returns empty-handed, I assume they said no.)

Me: I knew they wouldn’t just let us buy one straight from the cart.

Mom: At least I tried.

(We get to the front of the line and purchase a bundle without further incident.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!