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Unfiltered Story #295471

, , , | Unfiltered | July 3, 2023

First I’d like to say I enjoy building excellent relationships with my clients. Often they become friends, as my small business grows along side of theirs. As a result, I know when many need to laugh, as their technical issues always cause some level of stress, but when multiple things happen in one day, its just a good way to round out a successful ticket. It’s even better when I get to see them laugh with me at some of the stupid things we have to deal with.

I was fighting with Google My Business to get a client’s logo and cover image working properly. I had been going back and forth with the client and Google and finally just had the client add me as a co-owner of the business listing. That seemed to do the trick, and now the logo and cover image (surprise, surprise) started working properly.

Client: “I had issues too when I started this last year. My issue was that the logo came out in funky colors. Just changed you to “owner” and hoping that will help…”

Me: “It let me post the logo now. And it is definitely showing up in some places. What a pain, you weren’t kidding! I may jump onto chat support with Google and see what’s going on if I can today.”

Client: “I am so sorry for the headache!!! At least I know I am not going crazy…”

Me: “Nooooo. It’s not you. It’s big tech… one of those too many cooks in one pot with not enough kitchen… yup… that sounds about right.”

Client: “LOL!!!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!