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Unfiltered Story #268783

, , , | Unfiltered | October 7, 2022

I was in a marching band, and we got to take a trip from Alaska to Germany and France for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. When we got there, we were split into Bus 1 group and Bus 2 group. My sister was on bus 1 and I was on bus 2. The bus driver for bus 2 was from Amsterdam and this was his first time in France. We were late to almost all of our events because he kept getting lost. At one point we were just circling a round-a-bout for at least 20 minutes while he looked up google maps. Another time there was a + intersection, imagine we were on the left line and we needed to get to the up line, and the right line and down lines were connected, so we could have just gone from left to right, then down to up. Instead our bus driver did an 18-point turn in the MIDDLE OF A BUSY INTERSECTION stopping traffic for AT LEAST 10 minutes to get directly from left to up. He ran into a car, backed into a building, and, I’m not sure, but I think he ran over a bicyclist, trying to get to the up line. And all the while bus one is stuck in the traffic jam bus 2 caused and later my sister told me that her bus’s tour guide said, “And that bus driver is an idiot.” After bus two FINALLY made it through the up line, bus 1 went left to right, down to up.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!