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Unfiltered Story #268060

, , | Unfiltered | September 22, 2022

This isn’t like, a CRAZY story of goodwill, but it’s a reflection of how I wish the world could be more often.

A good friend is visiting me and we decide to utilize some coupons that came in the mail for a fast food place we like. As we pull up, I notice the drive-thru is ridiculous. But we have a complicated coupon and we decide to park and walk in, to wait in the lobby instead of the chilly night.

We walk in and while they greet us, I can see they’re running on a skeleton shift and they must be having a busy night. My friend and I get through our order and I make sure to say, “Hey, we noticed the line out back and how you look understaffed – we’re patient, take your time with our order, we get it.” And the poor cahsier looked so thankful and admitted that yes, they were very short that night and she really appreciated it.

As we were waiting, turns out a customer didn’t want their giant mocha milkshake thing, so she came out to us, out of anyone else waiting for their orders, and asked if we wanted a free drink. These drinks are a big favorite of my friend, so she gladly accepted.

A little kindness and understanding goes a long way to people willing to help you.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!