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Unfiltered Story #262276

, , | Unfiltered | July 2, 2022

Really short and is not that bad just weird. So the store I work (is small but besides the point) at usually hires someone to do stuff like pack bags for customers, stock the ice cooler, and to stock the chips. I am not that person. I stock the shelves, handle the stock room, act as back up packer for when the packet goes on break/lunch/hasn’t heard the yelling from whoever’s running the till, and am back up till operator. This is one of the situations that I was packing, so I had just packed this lady’s stuff into a box (one of the options that I/whoever’s packing has to give to the customer besides a bag the only other option) and there’s still this absolutely massive watermelon one of the things I’m supposed to do as packer is to help carry things out for the customers so I go to pick up the box that is giant when the lady tells me to put the watermelon in a bag. These are plastic bags. There not that strong. I ask to make sure I’ve heard right. I did. So I put the watermelon in a bag, then double bag it just to be certain that it won’t break. So I pick up the box noticing the lady had picked up the bagged watermelon. When she tells me to give her the box. I again ask if she’s sure. She says she is so I give her the box. I start walking to the door to hold them open for her when she tells me she’s got it. At this point the till operator is watching (this lady was the only one in the store at this point so they were good to just watch). I for the third or so time ask if she’s sure she says she is so I walk past the till mouthing “What The Fuck” to the till operator who just shrugged. And that’s my tale. Not crazy or anything just weird.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!