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Unfiltered Story #254835

, , , | Unfiltered | March 10, 2022

(My daughter is in the autistic spectrum and doesn’t like talking, but we manage to communicate well enough. We’re running some errands, and I’m having trouble reading a tag. My glasses don’t seem to be in my pocket.)

Me: Uhm… [Daughter], have you seen my glasses?
Daughter: *taps the top of her head, as if pointing to the sunglasses perched on top of mine*
Me: No, I mean my reading glasses, dear.
Daughter: *looks irritated, taps again*

(I feel around to indulge her, and won’t you guess, my reading glasses were ALSO perched on my head. Perhaps I should pay more attention.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!