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Unfiltered Story #253449

, , , | Unfiltered | February 15, 2022

My cousin had a taco stand at her baby shower and my mom and I were in line together. We get to the front and order two tacos each, the lady asked if we wanted grilled onion…here’s the conversation:
Lady (in Spanish): Would you like grilled or not grilled onions?
Mom (in Spanish): Grilled, please. But only on these two *points to my tacos*.
Lady: *stares blankly*
Mom (repeats again in spanish): Grilled onions on these two tacos only please.
Lady: *stares again, but more visibly upset and confused*
Mom (in English, with surprisingly clam demeanor): We want grilled onions but only on these two tacos.
Lady: *now frustrated, angrily handed us our order without onions and moved on to the next people*

I still don’t know what was so difficult…

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!