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Unfiltered Story #252979

, , | Unfiltered | February 7, 2022

For some backstory, I’m a guy who doesn’t produce as much testosterone as needed so I can come off as feminine. Combine this with the fact that i don’t act in a typical masculine manner and I get mistaken for a girl a lot. I tend to laugh it off but a few months ago, I learned why women can be wary around men.
I’m in class and a large guy who smells like he hasn’t showered in weeks sits near me. I put some lotion on to try to handle the smell plus my hands were dry. He notices the cherry blossom scent and registers me as a girl.

“Hey. That lotion smells nice. Did your boyfriend get it for you?” I shrug and shake my head while trying not to gag at his stench. “Shame you’re not taken. So many men will hurt you. But not me.”
I shrug and ignore him as I do my work. As the weeks pass, he keeps going on about how I’m beautiful and I shouldn’t be so masculine. Some of my classmates are now thinking this giy is an idiot because I have a male name, no breasts, and everyone addresses me as he. One day, after rejecting him for a while, he corners me in a stairwell and tries to grab me.
“You need a guy to teach you what it’s like to be a woman. Those ugly men will keep mistreating you.” He puts one hand on my thigh and the other pins my arms to the wall.
I see some students coming to help but I’m quicker. I knee him as hard as I can in the crotch and he crumbles. I decide I’m not done. I slam my foot on his nether regions and hold him there while a student gets security.
“Listen here you sick son of a b****. The way you just treated me was wrong. You’re lucky I didn’t start choking you. You’re convinced I’m a chick trying to be a guy but nope. I have a d*** and no boobs. That still doesn’t excuse what you did.”
He tries to get up but I press harder. “No. I’m filing a report against you. I’m making sure this s*** stays with you. No one should have to suffer because of you.”
Security comes amd we get the police involved.
He gets expelled thanks to a zero tolerance policy and has the label sexual predator slapped upon him. I have no sympathy for those who attempt to abuse others and I hope he’s happy now that he’s unlikely to get a job or go to school again.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!