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Unfiltered Story #251050

, , | Unfiltered | January 5, 2022

Recently the local food bank was struck by tragedy. A fire broke out and all their supplies and storage facility was lost.

A plea for help went out to the local community. On Friday people were going into a local supermarket and spending 100$ in groceries and donating the entire lot to the food bank. The cashier I spoke to said the donation bin had filled and emptied four times since she had started.

Another plea went out for cash donations on Saturday. Another local supermarket along with a major radio station sponsored a donation drive. By the time they finished that Saturday they had raised 180,000$ to help fill the food bank.

To make matters even nicer, a government building was offered as a new storage site. So nice to know the people here are so willing to help out in times of need.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!