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Unfiltered Story #246709

, , | Unfiltered | October 31, 2021

(I had recently moved and decided to go to a new dentist. Intake was fine, I go in and it is determined I just need a simple cleaning. I schedule to come in the next day for the actual work to be done. There are a lot of dental students at this place and as such I end up not having a “primary” dentist, I just get whoever’s in. I don’t mind much, though I do have a bit of an amusing encounter with my first, actual appointment. I get a dentist and a student shadowing her nearby to assist)

Dentist: *sitting down with a big sigh and setting up* “Alright, so what do we have for today?”

Me: “Cleaning.”

Dentist: “And?”

Me: “Uh… and? Maybe whitening, I guess?”

Dentist: “Uh-huh. And what?”

(Confused, I look at her assistant, who is eyeing me with a look of confusion well. She decides to read my papers)

Student: “… oh. That’s it.”

Dentist: “What?

Student: “She just has the cleaning. That’s all she has for today.”

(They share a look of pure bewilderment, then both turn to look at me)

Dentist: “That’s it?”

Me: “Well, yeah. That’s what they said.”

Dentist: “No cavities?”

Me: “I mean, they didn’t tell me, so I’m assuming they didn’t find any?”

Student: “Then why are you here?”

Me: “For the cleaning?”

Student: “No, like… do you have any other issues? Any worries that came up? Hurt a tooth? Have sensitive teeth?”

Me: “Nope.” *they continue staring expectantly* “It was just time for my checkup? Honestly, I’ve actually /procrastinated/ coming to the dentist. Been about two years by now, but when I moved I figured I should probably get on it.”

(Finally, after the apparent shock of only having the cleaning for today, they both look at each other one more time and smile)

Dentist: “Well, alright! Cool. Let’s get to it.”

(We FINALLY get to the cleaning and everything goes smoothly. They constantly check in if I’m comfortable and have excellent bedside manner. When I’m done, they sit me back up.)

Dentist: “Annnd… That’s it!”

Me: “Thank you!”

Dentist: “Anything else? You good?”

Me: “Yep!”

Dentist *with a mixture of bemusement and relief* “Awesome. See you in six months, I guess!”

(As I’m leaving, I look over my shoulder to see them shrug and give a thumbs up, beaming to each other. The next couple of appointments since then have not taken nearly as long to convince the people helping me that there’s not a secret serious reason why I’m there, but the same surprise and relief of me being an “easy” patient is still present. I guess the patients they usually get in this spot have way more serious issues with dental hygiene, and only end up going when it’s absolutely necessary!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!