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Unfiltered Story #233032

, | Unfiltered | April 30, 2021

Last year I went on vacation to Los Angeles. While I was walking through the city I noticed a police car stopped at a red light with a non-working tail light. So I approached him.

Me: “Hello, good morning.”
Police Officer: “Hi. What’s up?”
Me: “Just wanted to let you know that your right tail light is not working.”
Police Officer: “I don’t care, go away”
I just stood there for a good 5 seconds looking at him, not really knowing what to say.
Police Officer: “Don’t you understand English? I don’t care. F*** off before I decide to give you a ticket.”
Me: “What would you give me a ticket for? All I did was let you know your tail light was not working.”
Police Officer: “I’ll find something. Now f*** off.”

Since it isn’t worth discussing with an idiot, especially an idiot in a position of authority I turned around and left.

Fast forward a few months. I’m back in Germany, and am walking back home, when I see a police car with a broken turn signal light.

I approach the police car.

Me: “Hello.”
Police Officer: “Hi. How can I help you?”
Me: “Just wanted to let you know your left turn signal light isn’t working.”
Police Officer: “Oh, really? Thank you, we’ll fix it right away. Have a nice evening!”

They turned into the parking lot of a grocery store about 100m down the road and fixed the light.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!