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Unfiltered Story #191939

, | Unfiltered | April 15, 2020

(I work for a school supply distribution company as a box packer, which involves me putting certain items in certain amounts depending on what the school/parent ordering wants. Some of the orders we get tend to be… interesting, to say the least)

Me: *Pulls box from the person before me and looks at the list, then turns to line leader* Uhhh… [Line leader], can you grab me some more jumbo glue sticks, number [Warehouse #] real quick?

Line leader: Sure. How many?

Me: *Looks at list again* Well, uh… this one kindergartner needs, like, 18 jumbo glue sticks…

Line leader: …What the f**k?! *Comes over and looks at list*

Me: Uhh… yeah. Hey, [Person before me], does the one you’re on right now need 18?

Person before me: Hmmm, uh… *looks at list*… yeah. 18 jumbo glue sticks.

Line leader: Okay, [My name], we’ll get you stocked up. Like right now. *Runs into warehouse and brings a supervisor with them to help*

(Thankfully, there were only 2 orders that needed 18 jumbo glue sticks. Still no idea why the hell a kindergartner needs 18 glue sticks, but whatever.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!