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When Onions Make You Laugh

| Right | January 21, 2016

(I am the customer in this story. I frequently shop at a local produce store where a friend of mine works. I notice her register is empty, so I decide to jokingly give her a bit of a hard time.)

Me: “Hey. You. Why are the onions over here more than the onions over there?”

Friend: “Well, they’re different onions.”

Me: “No, they’re not. They have the same produce code.”

Friend: “Oh, well, I don’t know then.”

Me: “Well, just so you know, I’m getting my onions from over there.”

(As a man has gotten in line now, I go back to my shopping. When I’m ready to check out, I go to my friend’s register.)

Friend: “You know, after you left earlier, that guy was like, ‘I’m sorry you got yelled at like that. You shouldn’t have to deal with people like that.’ I kept trying to tell him it’s okay; I know you!”

(To that man, wherever you are, I’m sorry! I’m not really like that. I was just having some fun with my friend.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!