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Unfortunately, His Brain Was Also Shooting Blanks

, , , , | Working | October 9, 2023

When I was in the military, during training exercises, we were, of course, out there in the middle of nowhere with tents and tent stoves. And as the tents were meant to house up to sixteen people at once, things were a little packed even if we did not have sixteen people in the tent at once.

As such, all manner of accidents were prone to occur, and we always checked and rechecked that nothing flammable was too close to the stove which often burned red hot.

One… hero… left their gun, loaded with blanks, close enough to the stove that the magazine, made out of plastic, began to melt.

We noticed in the morning that this had occurred and were incredibly lucky that nothing further occurred. If those blanks had fired — which they could have, being heated up — we all would have been without ear protection and thus had our hearing severely injured. That hero got their… fiery response from everyone as he also made the cardinal mistake of bringing a loaded gun into the tent like a grade-A moron.

The faces of the munitions officers, however, were priceless to see when the hero returned the melted magazine as we were returning our gear at the very end of our service.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!