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This Customer Is Not The G.O.A.T

, , , , | Right | November 24, 2023

I was working in the drive-thru.

Me: “Welcome to [Fast Food Place]! We are currently featuring our—”


I blinked. There was silence. Not knowing what else to do, I finished my spiel, and the guy ordered. As he was ordering, every few minutes, there was this screaming out of absolutely nowhere. It sounded like someone was being murdered, and the customer didn’t even react.

I was going through every imaginable possibility. Was I being pranked? Was there a kid in the car? Was someone drunk? Was this some sort of psychological attack?

I was sixteen and this was my first job, so I just powered through and tentatively looked out the window to see what the h*** was going on with this customer.

And that was the day that I learned that a goat bleating through a drive-thru speaker sounds like a human screaming into oblivion. The dude had a d*** GOAT in the back of his truck in the drive-thru!

I worked at that job for, like, two years, and I never saw another livestock animal in the drive-thru. Goat guy, if you’re out there, please don’t do that again; the underpaid teenagers are not prepared to process that.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!