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The Price-Match Catch, Part 2

, , , , , | Right | December 4, 2023

My store will price-match local physical competitors to encourage people to shop with us instead of taking their business elsewhere. A regular customer is known for showing screenshots of big sales when they are no longer valid and then throwing fits when we tell him we can’t do the match. Usually, management gives in to retain his business, but corporate has noticed our price overrides and has told us in no uncertain terms that we cannot do that for him anymore.

He comes to my register with two twenty-five-pound bags of dog food and his phone in hand. 

Me: “Hi. Do you—”

Regular: “These are $20 at [Competitor]. You have them for $50.”

He shows me his phone screen. I lean in and see a screenshot from Black Friday. It’s currently July. 

Me: *Pointing at the screen* “Sorry, that’s—”

Regular: “Do not take my phone!”

Me: “I wasn’t. Unfortunately, that is not a current sale, so we will not be matching it.”

Regular: “Uh, yeah, you will. You always do.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but we cannot match anything that isn’t a current price. Corporate has told us—”

Regular: “Get your manager. I am not putting up with this.”

Manager: *Coming from behind a nearby display* “I’m here, sir. [My Name] is correct. We are not going to match any price that is not current. This comes directly from corporate.”

Regular: “This is bulls***. I’m disabled! I’m on a fixed income!”

Manager: “If you’d like to speak to corporate yourself, I can provide their number for you.”

Regular: “No. F*** this store. F*** your stupid rules. This is disability discrimination. I will be taking this to the news. I refuse to spend another penny here if you’re going to treat me like a criminal.”

Manager: “So, you’re not buying this?” *Pointing to the cart*

Regular: “No! You’ll lose big business when this gets out!”

My manager takes the cart and walks away.

Manager: “Okay, sir. You have a nice week.”

The regular stands there for a few seconds, looking back and forth between my manager’s retreating form and me. 

Regular: “Is she seriously leaving?”

Me: “Yes, sir.”

Regular: “So, that’s it? You’re willing to lose my business over a couple of dollars?”

Me: “I don’t make the rules, sir. I just—”

Regular: “I hope you wreck your car and die. “

Me: “Get out, a**hole.”

He did call corporate and complained that we were discriminating by not allowing him to match any price he found. They backed us up and told him it was a current price or no match. We’re still waiting for the news to reach out.

The Price-Match Catch

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!