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The Maskless Man-Child

, , , | Right | February 22, 2022

Back in 2020, I was the assistant manager for a store that started off by making masks optional for shoppers, but then they switched to making them mandatory a week into opening. Most people at that time DID wear masks to come in to shop, so we never had a problem, but of course, there was this one family who would come in when we first opened just because they didn’t HAVE to wear masks. Basically, they never bought anything and would just walk around without masks on because why not?

I had the glorious task of informing them that they could no longer shop in our store without wearing masks, and if they didn’t have masks, we had disposable ones for them for free. The husband went full man-child.

Husband: *Screaming* “We didn’t have a problem shopping here before, so why is it a problem now?!”

Me: “The store has changed its policy. I’m simply doing my job.”

He kept arguing. My manager and I both told him that if he didn’t want to shop with a mask on, he and his family could leave. Meanwhile, the entire time he was “standing up for his rights,” his wife was putting a mask on herself and the kids. She finally just looked at him and said:

Wife: “Will you just take the d*** mask and shut up?!”

He immediately grabbed the mask from me and stopped complaining, but shortly after that, we weren’t allowed to remove people who refused to wear masks anymore.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!