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The Manager Says Don’t Sweat-er It

, , , | Working | May 26, 2024

I work at a popular retail chain. I find a sweater left somewhere, and I hand it to my manager.

Me: “Someone left a sweater.”

Manager: “Okay, leave it with the go-backs.”

Me: “I think it was a customer’s; I don’t think it’s inventory.”

Manager: “Just leave it there anyway, and when I get to it, I’ll check.”

I just shrug and do as I’m told.

At the end of the day, I notice that the sweater has ended up in the go-backs. I inform my manager.

Me: “This sweater is dirty and has stains; it’s clearly used. It should go in the lost and found.”

Manager: *Walking past me* “I am literally not paid enough to care.”

I just sighed and put the sweater into the lost and found drawer.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!