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Terrorising Your Students

| Learning | June 2, 2016

(My law teacher is well known in the school for being very nice and fun. We have just completed a Canadian law test and realized that the teacher used the names of people in our class for all the questions/cases. Every case involved someone in the class doing something incredibly stupid or getting horribly mangled in some way.)

Friend #1: “Oh, my god! I went skydiving and said I was 100 lbs lighter than my real weight and exploded into a pile of blood when I hit the ground.”

Me: “That’s better than what I got. I thought it would be a great idea to clean out a loaded gun with my tongue.”

Friend #2: “I beat both of you. Apparently I’m married to [Other Student] and I murdered her because she wouldn’t give me the remote.”

Friend #3: “Okay, you obviously don’t remember my question. I joined a terrorist organization as a suicide bomber and tried to blow up the lake.”

All Of Us: “Okay, you win.”

(The next day:)

Me: “Hey, Mrs. [Teacher]?”

Teacher: “What?”

Me: “That was a weird test. Why did you do that?”

Teacher: “I need to express my rage somehow and I don’t want it to affect your marks or my job.”

(Everyone thought the test and her reasons were hilarious and the whole thing made her more interesting to us.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!