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A Sweet Start To The New Year

, , | Hopeless | January 27, 2017

It is New Year’s Eve. A customer comes into the lobby with his young son and orders food and randomly asks how many people we have working. The rather confused cashier tells him how many people we have and then he tells her that he will be right back.

Ten minutes later he comes back with his food and he and his son are carrying full-size candy bars. He and his son had bought enough candy bars that every worker could have one. He thanked us for being open on the holidays and apologized for taking so long as his son wanted to pick them out special.

Faith in humanity was restored for the six of us working that night.

This story is part of the New Year’s Eve roundup!

Read the next New Year’s Eve roundup story!

Read the New Year’s Eve roundup!

You’re As Cool As Ice

, | Hopeless | January 26, 2017

(I am working at a very popular amusement park that is Snoopy themed. I get put on Roving Carts which are carts that move. I don’t have a till, just an apron with pockets for cash, and there is no phone available so I have to wait to be checked on if I want anything. Using a cell phone is frowned upon. On this day it is unbearably hot and my manager said she might pull me after she gets back from lunch. I have drunk all my water and am just hovering under the little shade my cart has. A girl from the store next to me comes by with a dolly full of ice.)

Girl: “I am on my way to DQ for ice. Want me to pick you up some water?”

Me: “Are you serious? I don’t even know you!”

Girl: “I get it; it’s hot outside. I’ll be right back, if you don’t mind waiting a minute.”

(She came back a few seconds later with three bags of ice and a cup of water in her hands. After she gave me the water, a half hour later my manager pulled me in because it got too hot. I still don’t know that girl’s name but my other coworkers said she did it for them, too.)

Book-Driving Home The Kindness

, , | Hopeless | January 19, 2017

A lady lost her wallet in our store, so she left her name, phone number, and a description. Next day, someone turns it in and I call her quickly because she is from out of state.

Later, she comes in to get her wallet, and gives the manager $60 to go towards the book drive we are holding for a hospital. We picked out some good books for to donate, thanks to her.

Newfound Love In A Hopeless Place

, , | Hopeless | January 16, 2017

I’ve struggled with depression for a few years, and, for some reason, this Christmas period has been particularly hard. I’ve felt miserable and run ragged for about a month straight, and am spending my last day off before Christmas Day with my partner. As we are walking into the large supermarket near our flat, he points to a huge, black dog in front of us. It is a Newfoundland — my favourite breed in the world. The lady walking him lets me have a cuddle, and says that, when we come out of the shop, there will be more Newfoundlands waiting to take our shopping to the car in their carts!

I am so excited. We run around the shop, grab our stuff, and come out to find six beautiful dogs waiting for us, each with a little cart or a silly Christmas outfit. They are collecting money for an Alzheimer’s charity, so I give them as much money as I can, and get to hug all of them, as well as have my shopping taken to the car.

I can’t remember the last time I smiled that much. They really lifted my spirits, enough to get through the last week before Christmas.

A Mechanical Heart

, , | Hopeless | January 14, 2017

(I’m a university student changing tires on my truck for the first time. It is minus-20-ish degrees outside and I mess up and break my jack. I am outside for a couple hours, freezing, and am about to give up. Then this guy shows up.)

Guy: “Hey, your truck looks bad; is it all right?”

Me: “I was trying to change a busted tire, broke the jack, and now my whole axle is on the floor.”

Guy: “I just finished delivering pizza to your landlord. I can help you out. Move over.” *he then takes everything from me* “Go warm up. I’ll be done soon.”

Me: “How do you know so much?”

Guy: “I was a truck mechanic for [Company] for 20 years. You’re doing it completely wrong. You could have broken something, eh?”

Me: “Oh, man, you just saved me 100 bucks from bringing it into a shop!”

Guy: “Just trying to help.”

Me: “Okay, I think I got it. Thanks!” *I felt bad and somewhat embarrassed*

Guy: “No, I can’t just leave. You could be killed. How would you feel if you left and someone died?”

Me: *speechless*

(After he was done in a flash, I paid him 15 dollars for his help. Love being a Canadian!)