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I Don’t Work Here, Does Not Work Here, Part 10

, | Right | July 14, 2013

(I’m chatting with my friend in a grocery store, completely minding my own business. Another customer approaches us.)

Customer: “Can you please help me to find [item]?”

Me: “Umm… I don’t know where to find it…”

Customer: “It’s pretty much like this, but a different shape and brand.”

(The customer holds up another item, and continues talking for a while. I’m trying to interrupt her, but she’s giving me the exact specs and some more.)

Me: “I’m sorry; but I don’t work here. Unfortunately I have no idea where to find it.”

(She looks at me with a puzzled look on her face. At this point I realize that my shirt is red, and not completely unlike the uniform that the shop assistants are required to wear.)

Customer: “Are you sure? You look like you work here.”

Me: “Yeah, I’m quite certain. Please read the back of my shirt. The store wouldn’t probably accept the message, would they?”

(My shirt is from a local rap artist with a slogan that translates to “steal from your boss”.)


I Don’t Work Here, Does Not Work Here, Part 9

, | Right | July 3, 2013

(I’m super early for a job interview, so I decide to waste time in a nearby retail store. I’m in the electronic section playing on one of the video game displays. This place’s employees wear very distinct outfits. I’m wearing a black suit with a blue and black tie, and a blue dress shirt. A customer walks up to me holding a pair of headphones.)

Customer: “Excuse me. Can you tell me the price of these?”

(I ignore the customer, thinking he is talking to someone else.)


Me: “What makes you think I work here?”

Customer: “Because you look like you work here.”

(I see two white women walking by, wearing the company’s uniform. I point at them.)

Me: “Why don’t you go ask them for help? They work here.”

Customer: “They don’t work here. They look too well off to work here. Only black people would work here. This job is perfect for them! Now help me, d*** it!”

(Me being black, the two employees come over and intervene before I lose my cool. I decide to just leave the store. The customer is still shouting at me.)

Customer: “You work here and you know it!”


I Don’t Work Here, Does Not Work Here, Part 8

, | Right | June 11, 2013

(I’m looking through a display of jeans when a middle-aged customer approaches me. It’s the middle of winter.)

Customer: “Excuse me?”

Me: “Um, yes, ma’am?”

Customer: “You work here, right?”

Me: “No, I’m sorry; I don’t.”

Customer: “Oh. Well you’re not wearing a coat!”

Me: “Yeah, I rented a locker so that I wouldn’t have to carry around a big heavy coat while I shop.”

Customer: “Well that’s stupid. How am I supposed to know you don’t work here if you’re not wearing a coat?”

Me: “Uhh, the lack of uniform?”


I Don’t Work Here, Does Not Work Here, Part 7

, | Right | May 31, 2013

(I am a customer at a supermarket. I am pushing a trolley with my baby in the child seat. My top is a similar colour to the staff uniform, but a very different style.)

Customer: “Excuse me, where are the vitamin waters?”

Me: “I don’t know. Did you look down the soft drink aisle?”

Customer: “You aren’t going to show me?”

Me: “No, why would I do that?”

Customer: “It’s your job! I’m going to talk to the manager about you!”

Me: “I don’t work here; I’m just shopping.”

Customer: “Don’t you lie to me! I saw you put that milk back; you’re re-stocking shelves and you just don’t want to help me!”

(A manager walks past. The customer grabs him and drags him over.)

Customer: “This woman refuses to help me!”

Manager: “She doesn’t work here, so she doesn’t have to. Can I help you?”

Customer: “Of course she works here; she’s wearing your uniform! How dare you cover for her laziness! I’m reporting you to head office!”

Manager: “Ma’am, look at her trolley; we don’t sell babies. She’s shopping; she does not work here. Can I help you?”

Customer: “Oh! Um… sorry. I was looking for the vitamin waters… sorry…”


I Don’t Work Here, Actually Worked Here, Part 3

, | Right | February 11, 2013

(I don’t work at the store, but my uniform is similar to the store I’m at. An elderly man asks me for help and even though I’m not an employee I help him with his list. I eventually finish my shopping and step into a line. I see the old man step up behind me, so I casually step out of line so he can check out his fewer items first.)

Elderly Man: “Did you stop out of line so I could get in front of you?”

Me: “Nope, I was looking at this magazine over here.”

Elderly Man: “Well, you get right back in front of me.”

Me: “No, that’s okay; you’ve got less items than I do, so you’ll go through faster.”

Elderly Man: “Now you listen here, young lady: I’m older than you and you have to respect your elders. Now, respect me and get ahead.”

(I still refuse and because it’s his turn to check out, he has no choice but to unload his items. I unload my things behind his while the man hands the cashier clearly too much money.)

Elderly Man: “You see that insufferable young lady right there? I want you to use this money to pay for her things. Stupidly I thought she worked here, and even though she doesn’t, she helped me find all of my items and then let me go ahead of her. I want you to use that money but give her a condescending look for being such a nice girl.”

Cashier: “You want me to scold her for being kind?”

Elderly Man: “No, I want you to scold her for not listening to her elders. You give her a nice smile for being kind.”

(The man then leaves and I’m checked out.)

Cashier: “That was really the most interesting conversation I’ve ever had, and if he hadn’t paid for your items, I would have for being such an outstanding customer!”