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The Ten Doctors Versus The Ten Commandments

, | Right | September 25, 2013

(I order my food, and I sit down and start watching an episode of ‘Doctor Who’ on my smartphone with my headphones. Another customer taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see a girl in her late teens.)

Customer: “Is that Doctor Who?”

Me: “Yeah, are you a fan?!”

Customer: “No! I am asking you to shut it off!”

Me: “Why?”

Customer: “Because my church says that Doctor Who is evil, and I am asking you to shut it off.”

Me: “Umm, no, I am not turning it off. Besides, I have my headphones in, so you don’t have to watch it.”

Customer: “No, you have to respect my views and turn it off! It’s against my religion; it’s evil! Now turn it off!”

(The customer grabs for my phone. I pull my phone away before she can grab it.)

Me: “Don’t touch my phone!”

Customer:Doctor Who is evil! They are trying to brain-wash our young minds! They want us to support gay marriage and be atheist!”

Me: “Well, if you really did understand Doctor Who, you would have seen that the Tenth Doctor was talking about Christmas, and he said that he was there when Jesus was born. Also the Doctor is very open-minded; he would save you even if you did call him evil.”


(The customer continues screaming and cussing and eventually gets herself kicked out. Afterwards, one of the restaurant’s workers comes up to me.)

Worker: “Sorry about that.”

Me: “It’s okay!”

Worker: “Best Doctor?”

Me: “Four, duh!”

(We then high five, and I go my way.)

So Hot You Get Fired

, | Working | September 24, 2013

(The restaurant I work in is currently understaffed, and it makes it difficult to even find time to use the bathroom, let alone take an actual break. I start doubling over and feel pretty sick over the course of a week. After about a week, and still not feeling well, I take my temperature before work one morning, and it is 102 degrees. I decide to at least go in and help get things set up for breakfast. I let the opening shift manager know I’m not feeling well, and will be going to the hospital when the next person comes on shift. She says she needs to let the store manager know the situation.)

Shift Manager: “Okay, so, I have no problem letting you go do what you need to do, but he says if you leave, you’re fired.”

Me: *blank stare* “Well, then I guess I’m fired! I need to go to the hospital!”

(Later that week, I go in to get my final paycheck, and the district manager is there.)

District Manager: “What happened?! I know you wouldn’t just up and quit like that!”

Me: “Yeah, the store manager told me that if I left, I was fired. I left, and turns out it was a kidney infection.”

District Manager: “Oh! Well, I’m glad you’re better! I’ll be having a talk with him!”

(I found out about a week later that the store manager was fired!)

Named And Shamed, Part 3

, | Right | September 23, 2013

(My debit card has just gone missing. I think I left it at the gas station after I got gas earlier, and now I’m at work. My name is a European variation of a common American name, and though spelled similarly, is quite different. For example, Kristen versus Kirsten. As such, when people read my name, they often use the American version. One of my coworkers calls me overusing my nickname.)

Coworker: “Hey, can you come here a moment?”

Me: “Sure, what’s up?”

Coworker: “This guy’s trying to use his girlfriend’s card.”

(The customer slides a credit card over that looks familiar.)

Me: “Uhm, can I see your ID?”

Customer: “It’s my girlfriend’s card; she’s out in the car. I can go get her.”

Me: “What’s her name?”

Customer: “Kristen [Last-Name].”

Me: “Spell her first name.”

Customer: “Why?”

Me: “Please?”

Customer: *sighs* “K R I S T E N.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but she’s going to have to come in and authorize the purchase. I’ll keep the card in the back office until you get back.”

Customer: “Give me the card, you b****!”

Me: “I can’t do that when I know this card is stolen.”

Customer: “It’s not stolen, c***! That’s my girlfriend’s card!”

Me: “No. This is my card. As you can see, my name tag is spelled correctly, and you spelled it wrong. Also, if you were my boyfriend, I’d break up with you just for not knowing what my name was.”

(I was very relieved to get my card back! Unfortunately, the customer had run up $300 worth of purchases, but luckily the restaurant I work at has a security camera, and we got his face on camera. I am later able to prove I didn’t make those purchases, so don’t have to pay for them!)

Named And Shamed, Part 2
Named And Shamed

Doohan Me Proud

, | Working | September 19, 2013

Me: “Hi can I have [combo order]?”

Cashier: “Sure, that’ll be [price].”

(The cashier then shouts the order through to the back, and this is the response:)

Grill Worker: “I can’t do it captain! I don’t have the power!”

One Sandwich, Hold The Plural

, | Right | September 18, 2013

(I am working at a very popular fast food place. I am very sick, and have tried to call in, but as we were short-handed, I am asked to come and just work the lunch rush. Since the lunch rush is over, my manager tells me to help the last two customers, who appear to be construction workers, and then I can go home. I smile brightly despite feeling like crap.)

Me: “Hi, what can I get for you?”

Customer: “I want [sandwiches]!”

(I am confused, as he pluralizes the word and doesn’t specify the number of sandwiches.)

Me: “Sure, how many would you like?”

Customer: *glaring* “I… want… ONE… [sandwich]. Do you understand? ONE… [sandwich].”

Me: “Sure, sorry for the misunderstanding. It’s just usually when someone pluralizes a word, that means they want more than one. Would you like the meal, or just the sandwich?”

Customer: “I said ONE [sandwich]! I don’t want the d*** meal!”

Me: “Okay, no problem. Would you like anything else?”

Customer: “Yeah, give me a small fry and an orange juice.”

Me: “Sir, it would actually be cheaper for you to just get the meal, which comes with a medium fry, and then you could still get orange juice as the drink.”

Customer: “I said I don’t want the meal! Are you stupid?”

Me: “No, sir, just trying to save you money. But that’s fine. Your total is [total].”

(His total is a couple of dollars more than how much the meal would have been.)

Customer: “Wait. How much would the meal be?”

Me: “Just one moment, and I’ll total that up for you.”

(I press a few buttons, canceling out his order, and replace it with the meal with an orange juice.)

Me: “Your total doing it that way is [new total].”

Customer: “Huh. I guess it is cheaper. I’ll do that instead.”

(The customer pays, and I help the next customer in line, who is apparently one of his coworkers. This one is much nicer than the other one, and even says please and thank you. I get off work and go to change out of my work clothes so I can walk home. On my way out of the bathroom, I’m stopped by the two men.)

Customer: “Listen, I’m really sorry for how I treated you. There was no excuse for that. I’ve just had a really bad day.”

Me: “It’s okay, sir, really.”

Customer: “This is for you.”

(He hands me an apple pie, which he had apparently gotten after I had gone into the bathroom to change.)

Customer: “Your manager tells me that you are sick today, and still came in. I never would have guessed you weren’t feeling well. Your customer service is really extraordinary, and I told him so.”

Me: “Thank you so much, sir. I hope you have a much better day from here on out, both of you!”

(They wish me a good day also, and tell me they hope I feel better soon. Somehow, after that, I DO actually feel better!)