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Pointing Out Facts = Arguing

, , | Right | October 23, 2019

(Our cinema has two separate box offices. I go to relieve one of our cashiers and notice a lineup of people in front of our secondary box office, which is obviously closed.)

Me: “I’m sorry, guys, but this counter is closed. They’ll be happy to help you over there.”

Customer: “You mean I have to line up over there? Then you’d better give me a discount on my tickets!”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but we are unable to alter our ticket prices in the system.”

Customer: “Well, you should have a sign up! This is f****** ridiculous.”

Me: “As you can see, sir, there is a large sign blocking off the till, as well as both ends of the lineup being roped off.”


(He then stormed off and terrorized my concession workers.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!