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Not Feeling Charitable Towards The Mistake

| Working | May 22, 2015

(I’m 23, and I’m only five feet tall. I look very young, though I’m starting to get grey hair. My doorbell rings.)

Me: “Hello?”

Charity Worker: *looks at me for a second* “Oh, is your mom or dad there?”

Me: “I can talk to you.”

Charity Worker: “Well, I’m here to collect donations for [Charity] so I really need to speak to your mommy or daddy, all right?”

Me: “No.” *closes door*

(If he had just noticed I was greying and didn’t ask about my ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’ I would have given a donation.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!