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Mashing The Generations Together

| Friendly | January 13, 2016

(I am 23 years old. For my college program, I am doing a field placement at an agency that serves the surrounding low-income neighbourhood. During the day it mostly serves as a place for local kids to hang out, do homework, socialize, etc. I am watching over some kids to make sure they’re either reading or doing homework. Three of the girls, around 8 to 10 years old, are writing on sheets of paper. They claim they are doing math homework, but I suspect they are not. My suspicions are confirmed when one of them hands a sheet to another and I see that it’s set up for the game MASH.)

Me: “Are you guys playing MASH instead of doing homework?”

(All three girls stare at me in shock. The one who was holding the sheet is slack-jawed.)

Girl: *stammering* “I… you… how… but… YOU know what MASH is?!”

Me: “Of course! I remember playing that with my friends when I was your age!”

(It took a few seconds for the girls to digest this. The revelation that their game was not arcane knowledge understood only by children apparently shocked them to their very cores. For just a moment, the looks on their faces were as if I’d just shattered their entire conception of how the world works. It made me feel old.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!