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Stories from school and college

Lost Count Of Getting Lost

| Learning | June 20, 2014

(One of my students has a tendency to pick a phrase and repeat it ad-nauseum.)

Student #1: “Can you explain that again?”

Me: “Yes…” *simplified explanation*

Student #1: “Whoa, you lost me.”

Me: “Okay…” *even simpler explanation*

Student #1: “Whoa, you lost me.”

Me: “One more time…” *I give the simplest explanation I can*

Student #1: “Whoa, you lost me.”

Student #2: “Somebody get that boy a map.”

A Suffocating Teaching Style

| Learning | June 19, 2014

(I’m in a sculpture class and we are currently working on sculpting a head in clay based on a model that comes in.)

Professor: “Just put a plastic bag over your head and be done for today.”

Me: “WHAT?!”

(It took me a moment to realize that he was referring to our clay heads that we were working on and not our actual ones.)

Best Ideas Come From Inside The Box

| Learning | June 19, 2014

Student: “Has anyone noticed that the liberal arts buildings always look like prisons? The other disciplines get pretty architecture and we get concrete boxes.”

Professor: “It’s because you all have the best ideas, so they have to keep them in a cage.”

Taking A Stab At The Obvious Answer

| Learning | June 19, 2014

(I am sitting chatting with an eight-year-old student at the end of the day.)

Me: “So, what are you going to have for dinner?”

Student: “Beef, chicken, french fries, macaroni and cheese, and beans.”

Me: “Wow! How are you going to eat it all?”

Student: “With a fork.”

Professors Don’t Read

| Learning | June 18, 2014

(I’m an admin at a large university. We’ve recently switched to a new website for online learning, and despite our best efforts, professors seem to ignore every memo on the subject.)

Professor: “I can’t see any of my courses for next semester online!”

Me: “Are you looking on the new website, at [new site]?”

Professor: “Yes. I’m on there grading students right now.”

(I groan inwardly, knowing that students aren’t on the new site yet.)

Me: “That’s the old one. Please go to [new site].”

Professor: “I just told you, I’m already there!”

Me: “What does your browser show in the address bar?”

Professor: “[Old site]!”

Me: “Then you’re on the old site. You have to go to [new site] for future semesters.”

Professor: “Why wasn’t I told?!”

Me: “It’s been communicated many times through announcements on [old site].”

Professor: “Oh, I don’t read those.”

Me: “There have also been emails to all faculties about it from several different departments.”

Professor: “You can’t just assume that I pay attention to all my emails! You should have called!”