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Kick Them Out With Military Precision

, , , | Right | CREDIT: SGCanadian | October 21, 2023

I’m in my Canadian working uniform for the Army, which is a digital camouflage pattern called CADPAT. It’s pretty unique and identifiable. I’m in a store where the uniform is black pants with tannish-colored collared shirts.

I have just gotten off from work and am on my way home and stop for groceries. Our command lets us stop in uniform on the way home to do this. They see it as a visual recruiting tactic and let people know that we are in the community.

As I’m looking at milk trying to decide what to buy, a little old lady comes up to me and asks for help. What throws me off initially was the fact she uses my rank. She explains that her grandson is also in a similar regiment.

She is struggling to lift the milk bags. I decide I will help her shop and get her groceries at least into her ride for her. I spend a good forty minutes with her helping her shop around. Another customer comes over to us as the old lady is checking out.

Customer: “Now that you’re done you can get my things for me.”

Me: “Sorry, ma’am, but I don’t work here, and I have my own shopping to do. I’m sure one of the bag boys or stockers could help you out.”

Customer: “You clearly work here; you got all that old bats stuff for her. Now you help me.”

Old Lady: “He really isn’t an employee. He’s a soldier just helping an old woman with some shopping.”

Customer: “I don’t care what he says he is. He clearly knows the store so he must work here. You’re done shopping so he can help me now.”

She is getting louder and attracting attention.

Me: “Ma’am I really don’t work here. If you could lower your voice I could help you find an employee if you really need some assistance.”

Customer: “Don’t you tell me what to do, boy.”

Now a manager has shown up due to the commotion.

Store Manager: “Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you out with?”

Customer: “Yes, this boy is refusing to help me after he helped another customer. This is terrible customer service, and he should be fired.”

Old Lady: “He clearly doesn’t work here. He’s in the Canadian Armed Forces. He’s wearing a military uniform and everything.”

Store Manager: “He definitely doesn’t work here. We don’t have any soldiers that work in this store. Even reservists, which I assume he is.”

Customer: “You all have terrible customer service! Haven’t you ever heard of “The customer is always right?” I’m calling corporate and I will never shop here again!”

Store Manager: “That is perfectly fine. The door is right this way.”

He then escorts her outside, with her yelling the whole way.

Old Lady: “Well that’s enough excitement for this old woman. Hopefully, the rest of your day is much more peaceful. I’ll have my son come pick me up. Go do your shopping, and thanks for helping me.”

Me: “Any time, ma’am. And tell your grandson thanks from [My Name and rank] with the [Regiment].”

I then went and finished my shopping and wanted to get the h*** out of there. The store manager was waiting for me at the front and opened a register for me to check out. He gave me the store employee discount too, saying “You clearly work here after all” with an accompanying wink and laugh. He then told me he was a reservist while going through university and thanked me for what I did.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!