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Has No Room To Maneuver

| Right | February 26, 2015

Lady: “I’d like a room.”

Me: “I’m sorry, we have no more.”

Lady: “What? WHY NOT?!”

Me: “Because we have run out of rooms to sell.”

Lady: “Don’t be smart!”

Me: “You want me to act dumb?”

Lady: “No! I want YOU to give ME a room!”

Me: “Look, we don’t have any more. I don’t know–.”

Lady: “Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! I come in a hotel, and they don’t have rooms?! What madness is this?”

Me: “Um—”

Lady: “The whole POINT of hotels is to have rooms. Otherwise, it’s like me going into a mattress store and they have no mattresses! Or a hardware store and they have no wrenches!”

Me: “I’m sure that even hardware stores run out of wrenches every once in a while… As for the mattress stores, they have plenty of stock in their warehouse for delivery. We can’t ‘deliver’ rooms and we have no warehouse.”

Lady: “Stop being an a**!”

(She ranted and raved about the ‘insane’ idea of a hotel having no rooms, and was eventually escorted off by security, still screaming!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!