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Did Nazi That Coming

, , , , | Right | December 14, 2023

This just happened and I’m… confused?

I work at a railway station. A passenger comes up

Passenger: “Single to [Next Station], please.”

Me: “That’s £3.80.”

Passenger: “Yeah, but did you know that Hitler was actually a Catholic?”

Me: “£3.80, please.”

Passenger: “I’ve done the research, and Hitler was actually a Catholic.”

Me: “£3.80, and the train is in one minute.”

Passenger: “But Hitler was a Catholic. That changes everything, doesn’t it?”

Me: “Three pounds and eighty pence, please.”

Passenger: “I was amazed to find that Hitler was a Catholic.”

Me: “You’ve missed the train.”

Passenger: “Oh, never mind, then.” *Leaves*

What… What just happened?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!