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A Real Woman Versus Half A Man

| Right | August 28, 2013

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains content of a medical nature. It is not intended as medical advice.


(I am in line to purchase books. The cashier is a teenage girl who has somewhat obvious dark upper-lip hair. The customer she is currently serving speaks up.)

Customer: “Is there anyone else who can scan my books?”

Cashier: “I’m sorry, sir, but the only cashiers we have today are my colleague and myself.”

Customer: “Your manager, then.”

Cashier: “I’m sorry; she’s covering in the café right now. They’re very busy as you can see.”

Customer: “Well, I’m not having some hairy bimbo with a moustache touching my books!”

(The cashier looks like she’s about to cry. Having heard his last comment, I look up from reading the back of one of my books.)

Me: “Sir, there’s no need to be rude. She’s just doing her job, and you berating her isn’t helping.”

Customer: “No one asked you!”

Me: “No, but you just happened to have p***** off the wrong person. Do you have a smart phone?”

Customer: “Pssh, who doesn’t?”

Me: “Do me a favor and google ‘polycystic ovarian syndrome.'”

Customer: “That isn’t real.”

Me: “Google it.”

(The male customer takes out his phone and starts searching the internet. By this point, nearly everyone is watching the exchange, and a few people have run for the manager.)

Customer: “It’s some woman thing.”

Me: “It’s a disease caused by an imbalance between the estrogen and testosterone in a woman’s body. It messes with her whole reproductive system, and the increased testosterone can cause excess oil production, a slightly deeper voice, increased body hair and the possibility of a visible Adam’s Apple. Oh yeah, and in extreme cases, it can cause a woman’s body to be more boyishly shaped.”

Customer: “The h***! How would you know?! This s*** makes girls look like Bigfoot!”

(I point to the surplus of blonde hair on my arms, my somewhat broad shoulders, the marks of waxing on my neck, and the very slight Adam’s Apple.)

Me: “You happen to be talking to someone who has known she’s had the disease for the last 10 years. My case is on the line of moderate to severe. It’s treatable, but the only options out there have already nearly killed me once, so I just wax and the rest of me is what it is. Regardless of whether this poor girl has it or not, you shouldn’t just judge people because of a little hair.”

Customer: “So, you’re really a man.”

Me: “No, I’m all woman, but a woman willing to kick your a** if you don’t apologize to this girl.”

(The customer turns around and sees that not only is the cashier crying, but the manager and security have appeared.)

Me: “Miss, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been in your shoes. I got made fun of all through high school.”

(Security takes the guy and disappears. I walk up to the counter and put my books down.)

Me: “I know it was presumptuous of me to throw ‘PCOS’ out there, but the look on your face when he made his comment looked all too familiar. My apologies.”

Cashier: “I was just diagnosed with it a few weeks ago; it hasn’t sunk in yet. I got my first paycheck from here today and was going to get my lip waxed after work. How did you know?”

Me: “Pretty much the comment he made about your lip. You know, aside from that, I can’t tell at all.”

Cashier: “Really?”

Me: “Really. You are a very lovely girl. There are support groups and such online where you can talk to other women and girls. You’re not alone.”

(The cashier starts crying again, so the manager sends her on her break, and gives me an extra discount on top of my member card to thank me!)

Traffic Excuses Are A Two Way Street

| Working | August 27, 2013

(In the town where I work, there is heavy construction at one of the big intersections. This has caused several of us to be late; we come in staggered bunches as traffic allows. A newly hired manager, who’s been having trouble adjusting to our office’s normal semi-casual, relaxed environment, is literally standing at the front doors berating people.)

Manager: “Why is everyone just strolling in so late today!? It’s Friday, not lazy-day!”

Me: “Sorry, there was construction up the road, and we all got caught up in it.”

Manager: “Well, you should have planned ahead for that.”

Coworker #1: “We usually do because they post up signs, but this one didn’t have any advance warnings.”

Manager: “That doesn’t matter; you should have planned ahead!”

Coworker #2: “With what, my crystal ball? Or is there a company-approved tarot deck I should use?”

Manager: “Don’t get snippy with me; just because you all don’t know how to plan ahead!”

(My manager’s boss—one of the vice-presidents—comes walking around the corner.)

Vice-President: “Hey, [Manager], what are you doing?”

Manager: “Making sure these slackers know they can’t be showing up late all the time!”

Vice-President: “Weren’t you late this morning?”

Manager: “Well that wasn’t my fault; there was traffic!”

Doesn’t Bavaria With Distances

| Right | August 27, 2013

Guest: “Hi. So, I am going to go to see Neuschwanstein the day after tomorrow; I am meeting a friend there.”

(Neuschwanstein Castle is 700 km, around 435 miles or at least a six-hour drive from Berlin. I assume he wants to leave Berlin and stay somewhere in Bavaria close to the castle.)

Me: “Great, they tell me it’s well worth the trip.”

Guest: “That’s what I heard. So, do you reckon I could be back here in time for the pub crawl?”

Me: “Um… no, I don’t think so, unfortunately. It’s 700 km from here.”

Guest: “Yeah. That’s only like 100 miles, right? I got a rental car. And you guys have the Autobahn, after all. I reckon it shouldn’t take me more than an hour one way!”

Political (Weather) Front

| Right | August 27, 2013

(A customer has just bought a paper, and since it’s a quiet day, I make some small talk with him. It is currently very bad weather for the time of the year. It’s cold and very windy.)

Me: “So, did you make it through the storm?”

Customer: “Well, I survived, but it’s so cold!”

Me: “Yeah, I—”

Customer: “I think it’s a conspiracy from the European Union.”

Me: “I’m sorry, how?”

Customer: “The EU is making the weather extra cold, so we use more gas for the heater, and we have higher gas bills.”

Me: “Well, I’m sure the EU doesn’t have the technology to control the weather.”

Customer: “You never know with the EU!”

Me: “But controlling the weather—”

Customer: “You know how they are! For example, now with all the fuss about Cyprus. All they did was spend the same amount of money as Germany, but Germany is fine, and Cyprus is in a crisis!”

Me: “But Germany is a lot bigger than Cyprus.”

Customer: “Yeah, they sure are!”

Me: “Have a nice day, sir.”

Way Under-Branded

, | Right | August 27, 2013

(My clothing store has just sent out an email announcing ‘Winter Sale Underway!’ )

Me: “Hello, [Store]. How can I help you?”

Caller: “Hi, I was wondering if you have any ‘Underway’?”

Me: “Pardon?”

Caller: “Do you have any ‘Underway’?”

Me: “Do you mean underwear?”

Caller: “No! ‘Underway’! It’s a brand, and it’s supposed to be on sale!”

Me: “Sorry, ma’am, I’m not familiar with that brand.”

Caller: “God! You’re useless! Get me someone who knows what ‘Underway’ is!”

(I hand the phone off to the manager, who goes through the same conversation.)

Manager: “Ma’am, ‘Winter Sale Underway’ means that a winter sale is coming. ‘Underway’ isn’t a brand.”

Customer: *hangs up*

(We still don’t know if the customer came for the sale.)