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Barely Legal Return

, , , , | Right | November 26, 2018

A gentleman comes in and he’s got a return. I pull his item out of the bag, and it has a green price label on it containing a couple short sets of numbers, too short to be an item SKU, and a price of $1.99 — our labels typically don’t have prices.

After having another department provide the SKU for the thing, I’m running through the refund process and not finding this item in the records, with a manager over my shoulder. And this is where the manager pieces together why I can’t find anything on this item:

One of the short sets of numbers is the date the price label was put on this item… He’s seeking a $1.99 refund for an item he’s had laying around for 18 years. And we gave it to him.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!